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Conditions :: Procedures


  • Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Neuropathy

    The peripheral nervous system transmits signals from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.

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  • Meralgia ParestheticaMeralgia Paresthetica

    Meralgia paresthetica, also known as Bernhardt-Roth syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by pain and numbness in the thigh. 

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  • ParesthesiaParesthesia

    Paresthesia is a tingling sensation described as “pins and needles”, which is usually felt in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Other symptoms include itching, burning or numbness. It may be associated with spasms, sensitivity to touch and frequent urination.

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  • Traumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injury

    Traumatic brain injuries occur when a sudden trauma, such as a violent blow or jolt to the head, causes brain damage.

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  • Pseudotumor Cerebri/Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionPseudotumor Cerebri/Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

    Pseudotumor cerebri means “false brain tumor”, as its symptoms are similar to brain tumor symptoms.

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  • Nerve PainNerve Pain

    Nerve pain also called neuropathic pain, is pain caused by injury or disease of the sensory nervous system.  The sensory nervous system is associated with the senses of pressure, pain, touch, movement, vibration, temperature and position.

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  • Headache BasicsHeadache Basics

    Pain in any region of the head is called a headache.

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  • Botox for Chronic Migraine, Dystonia & Spasticity TreatmentBotox for Chronic Migraine, Dystonia & Spasticity Treatment

    Botox is a type of purified protein synthesized from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox injection or Botulinum toxin injection is administered through a fine needle into the treatment area and works by blocking the action of certain chemicals that induce muscle contraction or spasm and relaxing the contracted muscles.

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  • Radiofrequency AblationRadiofrequency Ablation

    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), also called rhizotomy or neurotomy, is a novel non-surgical technique of treating pain. This technique employs radiofrequency waves to produce heat and the heat produced damages the nerves transmitting pain signals to the brain. This procedure is performed to treat painful facet joints in the spine that usually cause chronic low back pain and neck pain.

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  • Lumbar Sympathetic BlockLumbar Sympathetic Block

    A lumbar sympathetic block is an injection of a local anesthetic and steroid that is injected into or around the sympathetic nerves to block the transmission of pain impulses from the legs or lower back, thereby relieving pain.

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  • Peripheral Nerve StimulationPeripheral Nerve Stimulation

    Peripheral nerve stimulation is a minimally invasive treatment for chronic pain and pain caused due to peripheral nerve damage. The peripheral nerves connect your brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body.

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  • Occipital & Peripheral Nerve BlocksOccipital & Peripheral Nerve Blocks

    The peripheral nervous system carries signals of movement and sensations such as heat, cold, and pain from different parts of your body to the central nervous system formed by the spinal cord and brain.

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  • Ultrasound: NeurosonographyUltrasound: Neurosonography

    Ultrasound imaging (sonography) is a diagnostic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal structures of your body.

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  • Spinal Facet RhizotomySpinal Facet Rhizotomy

    Spinal facet rhizotomy is a minimally invasive procedure to destroy nerves that transmit pain impulses from the facet joints of the spine.

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  • Occipital Nerve BlocksOccipital Nerve Blocks

    Occipital nerve blocks are a therapeutic procedure in which steroids and analgesic are injected into the occipital nerves present behind the head to treat headache and migraine that restricts normal activities. 

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  • Radiofrequency Lesioning (RFL)Radiofrequency Lesioning (RFL)

    Radiofrequency lesioning (RFL) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure employed in the management of chronic, debilitating pain by interrupting nerve conduction.

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  • Suprascapular Nerve BlockSuprascapular Nerve Block

    A suprascapular nerve block is a procedure to inject an anesthetic or numbing medication along with a steroid (anti-inflammatory) in the region of the suprascapular nerve to stop the transmission of pain signals.

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  • Celiac Plexus BlockCeliac Plexus Block

    The celiac plexus is a bundle of nerves located in the upper abdomen. It is situated at the back of the aorta and close to the pancreas and conveys pain signals to your brain. These pain impulses are conveyed from your liver, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, and intestines (bowels).

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  • Neurolytic BlocksNeurolytic Blocks

    A neurolytic block is a form of nerve block injection that utilizes phenol or alcohol to deliberately damage nerves and accomplish pain relief. This form of injection is utilized particularly to accomplish long-term pain relief of segments in the trunk of the human body.

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